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Debt credit card: the effects and solutions

Copyright (c) 2008 Billy Alvaro
Today everyone is concerned about credit card debt, but in most cases they have no idea how to do something. In fact, for most people once they get into debt, have no idea how to get out again. In fact, for most people, it is much easier to borrow more, it is out of it, especially with credit cards. Of all of the debt in our society, the credit card debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy and plans for debt management.
The effects
How do I start? Unfortunately banks play an important role in credit card debt than many consumers are carriers. With low interest rates lucrative offers that expire after one year no annual fee for cards that have rewards of any circular links free miles cash, holders of these cards in a pressure to be able to enjoy a hurry offer many bonuses. The bond offering is the beginning of what would culminate in a financial disaster. Unfortunately, many of these offers are for new young high school graduates, students and recent university graduates who are not yet emotional maturity to understand the importance of having good credit, or even how to deal a credit card. With this lack of knowledge on the principles of credit cards is a future of financial chaos.
Unfortunately, many people do not realize the effects of credit card debt too until they are in so deep they do not see a way out. For many, the classic signs of having too much credit card debt of just being able to afford to make minimum payments are not highlighted as a problem. Only some time after the actual effects of the credit card debt excessive begin to materialize late payments, inability to pay even the minimum payments, credit lines or more lines of credit established and loan from the card to pay another credit card. Sometimes serious credit card debt apply for another loan with an upper limit and lower interest rates with the original intention of getting rid of the other cards and use the new card. Some may even take a consolidation loan and the balances are paid in credit cards, start using them again instead of getting rid of them. For some, the reality does not hit home until the Bill collectors are knocking at the door, judgments are made, and his attempt to borrow only to discover that your credit is severely damaged, you can even borrow some hundreds of dollars to buy some furniture.
The solution
Once you have put into serious financial problems with their credit cards, the next step is to design a plan to eliminate debt and get back on their feet. There are several plans that can be used depending on the severity of damage. Here are some solutions from one program to a debtor who has made the least damage and ending with the most severe cases.
* If you are one of the lucky ones who make the financial issues before it is completely out of hand, it is much easier to solve the problem. One of the easiest ways to pay your credit card debt if still in a credit card taken out relatively manageable with the lowest balance or highest interest rate if all balances are close in value and add some additional funds each month. Even if it's only $ 15.10, slightly above the minimum payment will reduce the balance faster. How then, if you pay an additional $ 15.10 per month? Here's how: when you pay off your credit card before you leave, all the money you paid into it, adding that the minimum payment on the balance or second card interest rates. In other words, if you had to pay a total of $ 50 per month on a credit card when you pay in full, add the same $ 50 to your payment by credit card 2. Continue this process until all your credit cards are paid in full and to refrain from the use of other than an extreme emergency (car or an appliance is not working, medical bills, medicines for disease), and is used in any If you are in the process of payment in full. If you have more than two cards, get rid of except those used exclusively for business.
* Another release, you can use a consolidation loan. Of course, in most cases you will need to own real estate to get a consolidation loan. This will give you a longer period and lower interest rates, but be careful if you use your home as collateral. When you have paid in full cards, cut or blocked until you repay the consolidation loan. Some people make the mistake of doing a debt consolidation loan, only to start using the cards and create again the same financial position that just evolved.
* Some card issuers have a program where low interest rates and payments, but if you have multiple cards, this program may not work well for you. If you miss a payment, the program becomes null and void, and will be back to where he was.
* Debt consolidation involves working with a management company debt in order to develop a payment schedule. They will work with your card issuer for a lower interest rate, and sometimes the removal of total interest rate, so that you can make a payment to the manager of the debt that will distribute payments its corporate credit card.
For those who have waited too long to do something about your situation, bankruptcy may be the only answer. It's a step you want to avoid as much as possible, so that unless there are extenuating circumstances, to recognize the extent of their financial situation before it's too late to work with your creditors .
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How a Lien and a Lien Holder Affect Your Auto Insurance Policy

There are all sorts of complications that arise when buying car insurance for yourself. The presence of a second party definitely complicates matters further. A lot of people who have a lien against their car feel overwhelmed, like they can't make their own decisions about their car insurance, or that they're not truly responsible for what happens to their car because they don't "own it."

To help dispel these rumors, in this article we're going to discuss a little bit about the ins and outs of holders, and how they affect your policy. The first place to start is with a definition: what is a lien, and what is a holder? A lien is a claim on property (in this case, your car) as security for the payment of a debt. That means if you can't pay your debt, whoever has placed the lien (the holder) can take your car away.

A lien can be placed on your car either by choice, or by force. By choice is when you're leasing a car, or when you're borrowing money. You are voluntarily making an agreement with someone else, agreeing to pay that person, and using your car as a promise that you will pay. You understand that if you don't pay, the holder can come in and reclaim your car. A lien placed on a car by force is usually the result of the government - particularly the IRS. If you owe the government money, they will often place liens on your home or car until you pay your back taxes. Depending on the state rules, that lien can be collected whenever you try and sell your car, or the car itself can be forcibly taken after a period of time.

It's worth noting that if your car sells for $5,000 and your lien is valued at $2,000, you only get $3,000 from the sale of the car. Your holder gets paid first. If the car sells for $5,000 and the lien is valued at $6,000, then you get nothing from the sale of your car, and you still owe the lien holder $1,000.

So how does this affect your insurance? It makes you take into consideration the needs of your lien holder, who owns the title to your car. In cases of voluntary liens, such as leasing, you are required to purchase as much insurance as your lien holder wants. This can often include above and beyond standard damage and collision coverage. This is done as a way to keep you from getting out of a lien if your car is totaled. Sometimes, auto insurance companies have special names for these additional policies: Loss Payee Clauses, or Lien holder Clauses

A good thing to keep in mind: if you get into a minor accident, the lien holder has no responsibility - you are still required to pay the whole deductible.


George Jackson comes from an insurance family and he loves cars. Combining those two means he gets to do what he enjoys when helping others with auto insurance on line. Learn how to secure your valuable vehicles and control expenses by going to:

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Relationship Marketing: A Brief Overview

Copyright (c) 2008 Christian Fea

The relationship marketing strategy developed from the direct response marketing campaigns popular in the 60's, 70's and 80's. These campaigns emphasized the importance of customer retention and continued customer satisfaction, rather than an emphasis on individual transactions, and per-case customer resolution.

What is Relationship Marketing?

Relationship marketing is a type of strategic marketing that targets it's audience with more direct information on the specific products and services a customer may have interest in. It differs from other forms of marketing in that it seeks to retain customers by building relationships with them, rather than a direct or intrusive strategy, which focuses on acquisition of new clients by targeting majority demographics, based upon prospective client lists purchased from third party sources.

As traditional marketing took off in the 60's and 70's, companies found it more difficult to sell consumer products. The original model had developed into a system, which focused on selling relatively low-value products in mass quantities to a higher volume of consumers. Since the beginning of modern day marketing platforms, many methods have been developed in an attempt to broaden its scope. Relationship marketing grew out of this era, and is one example of an attempt to expand the reach and applicability of marketing.

Simply put, relationship marketing focuses on targeting the relationship of company to customer. If you have an existing customer base, it makes sense to learn what these customers like about your products and services and how you as a company can improve on this. If you build on the good relationships you already have with your customers, and create customer loyalty, this is more valuable than putting energy towards always attempting to gain new business.

Defensive Marketing vs. Offensive Marketing

Relationship marketing can be understood in simple football-like terms of offensive and defensive approaches. "Defensive" marketing and "offensive" marketing are terms that were coined by C. Fornell and B. Wernerfelt in 1987.

Defensive marketing describes attempts to reduce customer turnover, increase customer loyalty and retain the customer base already in place, by keeping them happy with your service, and interested in your products. In contrast, offensive marketing seeks to obtain new customers and increase purchase frequency. Defensive marketing focuses on reducing, or better managing customer dissatisfaction, while offensive marketing focuses on "liberating" dissatisfied customers from competitors and moving them into the offensive marketer's customer base essentially getting customers to switch teams.

Customer & Consumer Relationships

Relationship marketing is a key collaborative strategy to retain customers. It is essentially an offshoot of customer and consumer relationship management. The theory is this; attracting new customers is more costly, yet less profitable than developing existing client loyalty. By developing and promoting your existing client base through research and an understanding, you will create a loyal client base for years to come, with less expense and higher returns. Building lasting relationships with the clients you already have is a recipe for long-term marketing success.


Christian Fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A Joint Venture Marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability. Join his JV Wealth e-zine at

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Credit Card Debt: The Effects and The Solution

Copyright (c) 2008 Billy Alvaro

Everyone today is worried about credit card debt, but in most cases, they don't have a clue how to do anything about it. In fact, for most people once they get into debt, they don't have a clue how to get out again. In fact, for most of the population, it's much easier to get into debt than it is to get out of it, especially with credit cards. Out of all the debt in our society, credit card debt is the major cause of bankruptcy and debt management plans.

The Effects

How does it begin? Unfortunately banks play a large role in the high credit card debt that many consumers are carrying. With lucrative offers of low interest rates that expire after a year with no annual fees to rewards card that have everything from free flyer miles to cash bonuses, cardholders snap these cards up in a hurry in order to be able to take advantage of the many bonus offers. The bonus offers are the beginning of what will later culminate into a financial disaster. Unfortunately, many of these offers are targeted at young people-new high school graduates, college students, and recent college graduates-who are not yet emotionally mature enough to understand the importance of having good credit or even how to handle a credit card. With this early lack of knowledge about credit cards comes a future of financial chaos.

Sadly, many people do not realize the effects of too much credit card debt until they are in so deep that they don't see a way out. For many, the most classic sign of having too much credit card debt-only being able to afford to make minimum payments-does not stand out as a problem. It isn't until sometime later that the real effects of excessive credit card debt begin to materialize-missed payments, inability to afford even minimum payments, credit lines at or above established credit lines, and borrowing from one card to pay payments on another card. Sometimes those in serious credit card debt will apply for another credit with a higher limit and lower interest rate with the original intention to get rid of the other cards and use the new card. Some may even take out a consolidation loan, and after the balances are paid on their credit cards, they start using them again instead of getting rid of them. For some the reality does not hit home until the bill collectors are knocking on the door, the judgments are issued, and they attempt to apply for a loan only to find that their credit is so severely damaged that they can't even borrow a few hundred dollars to buy some furniture.

The Solution

Once you have gotten into severe financial trouble with your credit cards, the next step is to devise a plan to eliminate the debt and get back on your feet. There are several plans you can utilize depending on the severity of the damage. Following are some solutions beginning with a program for the debtor who has done the least amount of damage and ending with the most severe cases.

* If you are one of the lucky ones who becomes aware of financial issues before it gets totally out of hand, it's much easier to solve the problem. One of the easiest ways to pay your credit card debt if you are still at a reasonably manageable level is to take the credit card with the lowest balance-or highest interest rate if all the balances are close in value-and add some extra funds each month. Even if it is only $10-15, anything above the minimum payment will help the balance reduce quicker. How so if you are only paying an extra $10-15 a month? Here's how: when you pay off that first credit card, take ALL of the money you were paying on it, and add that to the minimum payment on the second highest balance or interest rate card. In other words, if you were paying a total of $50 a month on Credit Card #1, when you pay it in full, add that same $50 to your payment on Credit Card #2. Follow this same process until all of your credit cards are paid in full and refrain from using them other than an extreme emergency (car or appliance not working, medical bill, medicine for illness), and do not under any circumstances use the one you are in the process of paying in full. If you have more than two cards, get rid of the except any used solely for business.

* Another outlet you may want to use is a consolidation loan. Of course, in most cases you will need to own real estate to obtain a consolidation loan. This will give you a longer term and lower interest rate, but you must be careful if you're using your home as collateral. When you have paid the cards in full, cut them up or lock them away until you finish paying off the consolidation loan. Some people make the mistake of obtaining a consolidation loan, only to begin using the cards again and create the same financial situation from which they just evolved.

* Some card issuers have a program where they will lower the interest rate and payments, but if you have several cards, this program may not work well for you. If you miss one payment, the program becomes null and void, and you are right back to where you were.

* Debt consolidation involves working with a debt management company in order to develop a repayment schedule. They will work with your card issuer to obtain a lower interest rate, and sometimes eliminating the interest rate totally, to allow you to make one payment to the debt management company that will distribute the payments to your credit card companies.

For those who waited too long to do something about their situation, bankruptcy may be the only answer. That is a step you want to avoid whenever possible, so unless you have extenuating circumstances, recognize the extent of your financial situation before it's too late to work with your creditors.


Economic Advisor 'Discover the 7 easy steps from debt taxes and worry to a stress free financial future in 37 1/2 days or less guaranteed!" click here for a 20 page free report and dvd

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The Buffett System - Book Review

The Buffett System

The Buffett system is developed to show exactly how Warren Buffett invests. This man is an investor who has gained the respect and awe of the entire investment community with his soldier like discipline, rocketing success and his constant battle with Bill Gates as the richest man in the world.

The Introduction of this book boasts that it is a "step-by-step guide - complete with a worksheet to assist you" which will show you "exactly how to invest like Warren Buffett… RIGHT NOW!" This sets high expectations from the start, but it does exactly what it says on the tin. It does focus on the US with American sites to get info. However, the actual system could be replicated on any market in the

The book starts off with some concepts including visualising your stocks as companies, not just symbols and prices, diversification and your company's "moat" as well as the three biggest mistakes investors make. There were a number of "value screeners" offered so as to find a place to start. This is extremely important as a journey is difficult to end if there is no starting point.

"Crunching the Numbers" covered the actual roadmap of picking out the important numbers lending to fundamental analysis and processing them. This was the part that really did it for me. There absolute clarity as to where to find these crucial "numbers". Due to the importance of this section, several screen shots are included to hold your hand completely through sifting your way to find the information required.

"Valuation " summed up the preceding chapters and led us right to the decision of whether or not to invest with some minor computations, with the aid of a particular online calculator designed to facilitate us.

With reference to selling, I quote "we won't be offering any vague advice here" and it's true - the book gives another simple process to make it possible for you to decide whether to hold or sell. The book finishes with some appendices i.e. a worksheet which provides the template for one's investments, suggested reading etc.

For the advanced investor, I would suggest writing far out of the money calls to increase your income and perhaps do better than the Buffett System.

Overall, I found this an excellent book and would highly recommend it to either a novice or experienced seeking a worthwhile, profitable system for picking out stocks to include in your portfolio.

The team at are dedicated to spreading the word about how the greatest investor in the world chooses his stocks - this great man deserves a legacy! If you would like to learn more about the book, you can do so at

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Starting Basic Accounts Bookkeeping Saves Self Assessment Tax

The financial benefits of preparing basic accounts bookkeeping records and producing the self assessment tax return can be overlooked. Starting bookkeeping at home is an option for anyone self employed and is important as the self assessment tax paid each year is typically the highest financial outgoing. Bookkeeping home accounts is worth the effort and does not require a high level of technical accounting or tax knowledge.

Sole Trader Basic Accounts Bookkeeping

Sole trader basic accounts require the simplest form of bookkeeping. Sole trader basic accounts bookkeeping require little more than retaining supporting documents of sales income and expenses and creating two lists of financial transactions. Producing the basic accounts in the format of an income and expenditure statement is sufficient to complete the self assessment tax forms.

An income and expenditure statement is the total sales made during the financial year with the expenses listed by type of expense and deducted to leave the balance as the net taxable profit or loss.

Starting Bookkeeping Home Accounts

The first stage in starting bookkeeping is to collect together all documentary records of receipts or sales received. Review the documents and if incomplete use other sources of third party evidence such as bank statements and deposits t achieve an accurate total.

Stage two to producing the home accounts is a similar process of collecting together the supporting evidence of purchases made and expenses incurred. Again if incomplete examine other potential sources of evidence such as bank and credit card accounts.

Bookkeeping home accounts is just that, keeping books at home which is the home accounts. Bookkeeping is a function that many self employed business people can benefit from financially.

Basic Accounts Bookkeeping Can Save Accountant Fees

A significant proportion of a bookkeepers fee or the accountant fees for small business is the sorting of receipts and listing them in order, in effect doing the basic accounts bookkeeping. Accountant fees are better spent on financial advice and tax matters than producing the basic accounts themselves.

The basic bookkeeping task of sorting the sales and purchases documents can produce real savings in the accountant fees. Most accountancy firms would actually prefer to receive their client records in a basic accounts presentation to enable the accountant provides a higher level of accountancy services.

Save Self Assessment Tax by Understanding Basic Accounts

When a sole trader adopts a positive attitude in preparing the bookkeeping basic accounts other benefits accrue. Preparing the basic accounts increases the perception of profitability and may encourage the small business owner to prepare the bookkeeping more often. By being aware of profitability financial problems may be noticed earlier and low profits will stimulate the competitive nature of sole traders and self employed businesses to improve the financial performance.

The self assessment tax liability for self employed people is a major annual issue. Understanding the basic accounts will pose tax questions in regard to capital allowances which need to be claimed in the self assessment tax return. The increase in tax knowledge should maximise tax allowance claims thereby reducing the self assessment tax liability.


DIY Accounting incorporate tax software in the tax accounting software producing basic self assessment tax returns for self employed business which include an income and expenditure account in the sole trader basic accounts

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Thomas Eliot

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Currency Trading Courses - Learn Skills That Last a Lifetime Risk Free

More traders are turning away from get rich quick automated software programs, as its obvious in a market where 95% of traders lose that you don't get rich with no effort, by spending a few hundred dollars and turning to Forex courses to learn skills.

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Forex Trading Myths - The 3 Biggest Myths Traders Believe Which See Them Lose!

Enclosed you will find the 3 biggest myths which traders believe which are guaranteed to lose you money. Believe any of them and you will lose to so lets take a look at them.

Before we look at the myths let's make an obvious point which is 95% of all ... Read >

Forex Trading System - A Simple System All Traders Can Use For Huge Gains

The Forex trading system enclosed is easy to learn and will always work and its a great way for novice or pro traders to make huge gains in just 30 minutes per day, lets take a look at it.

Here are two things you can see on any Forex chart:

1. Mark... Read >

Free Forex Trading Signal - A Free Signal You Can Make Forex Profits With Right Now!

Enclosed you will find a free Forex trading signal which has made traders big profits for over 25 years and will continue to make profits. This signal is easy to understand and can be applied in 15 minutes a day or less so let's take a look at it.

Whe... Read >

Starting in emini futures trading - ES or YM or perhaps something else

Emini futures contracts have become a trading instrument of choice for many traders, especially day traders. The field that barely existed only 10 years ago is now booming with new traders joining the older ones every day. With many brokers, their numbers growing as well, dedicated primarily to serving this class of traders, this trend is likely to continue.

Emini, interchangeably called e-mini, futures are smaller contracts of more established pit-traded futures. Their smaller size means that their margins are smaller too, which obviously appeals to many retail traders, folks who can spend only a few thousands or so dollars for this business. This is what the mini aspect of these contracts is about. Moreover, unlike their grown-up brethren, e-mini futures have always been traded electronically, which is what "e" in their name stands for. Because of that, they can be relatively easy to trade over the Internet.

A decade or so ago, there was basically only one emini futures contract that one could consider for trading. It was ES, the emini futures contract for Standard&Poor 500. The pit contract for this futures market has been around for much longer and had been well established by then, probably better than a futures contract for any other US stock index market. It was this popularity of the pit contract that made many traders consider its emini version. That's how the trading volume of ES started to grow and today is the biggest among the futures for US stock index markets.

Many new emini traders start their careers with this contract convinced that its dominant volume will help them in trading.

But is it really the best emini futures contract to launch your trading career with? Are there other emini contracts that can be more appropriate for the beginner to this field?

The answer to the first question is: that depends. Before I will elaborate on it, let me first tackle the second question in greater detail.

There are quite a few other emini futures contracts among US stock index futures that attract some attention among day traders. One of such contracts is the emini contract for the Dow Industrials futures, whose symbol is YM. Its ticks are smaller, only $5 per tick, compared to $12.5 for ES. There are also contracts such as NQ or TF, both of which have smaller ticks than ES.

It is because of this smaller tick size that YM can be a better trading vehicle for new traders. The smaller the size the finer your entry can be, which in turn means that you are more likely to squeeze out profits, at least tickwise, not necessarily dollarwise. This and the fact that fills seem to be better, easier to get, than in a very competitive ES, are the main reasons why YM can be a better choice for the first emini market to try your luck in. The same is pretty much true about TF, the emini futures for the Russell 2000 index. It too can be used as your first emini futures contract, its tick size of $10 being only a bit smaller than that of ES, but with pretty good fills, nevertheless.

On the other hand, ES is more dynamic than YM, so you may find out that squeezing out only 3 ES ticks ($37.5) is easier than 5 YM ticks ($25) and for this reason ES can be better than YM, although hardly better than TF.

To summarize, while ES is still the most popular contract among emini futures traders, including the beginners, which guarantees good smooth trading due to the dominant trading volume of this market, it also makes sense to start your emini trading with YM or TF.

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